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Christian Worldview and Healthcare

Author: Nicole, Subject: Case Study, Type: Essay, Number of pages: 4

Typically, health providers concentrate on religion, belief, and culture as the source of their moral and personal strengths. This fact is also similar with patients. In this regard, it is crucial for health providers to be keen on their communication with patients to avoid overstepping the sensitive issues of religion, belief, and culture. For instance, having knowledge of Christianity belief would be vital when attending a patient ascribed with the doctrine. In the Christian principles and to respect the beliefs of the patient.

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Christian Views

In general, Christian believers have trust in God as the Supreme Being. For Christians, the Holy Trinity comprising of Father Son and the Holy Spirit is what guides the followers of the doctrine in their daily duties (Torrance, 2016). Christians believe in the teachings of the Holy Bible, and they consider the Holy Book as the reference to all the issues they are facing in the world. To begin, Christians accept as true that the suffering they are enduring in the world is primarily because of the sins of Adam and Eve. Christians gladly accept sufferings like diseases as payment of the previous sins. Moreover, Christians believe that it is God’s purpose to allow followers to pass through tribulation as part of testing their faith. This fact was evident with one Character in the Bible Job. In the Bible story, God decided to test the faith of Job by allowing tribulation to befall his servant. Further, still, Christians believe God gives life, and He has the liberty to remove the same life. In any event, a person engages in the act of killing, whether a health practitioner or the patient, it is against Christianity and the word of God to be specific. It is for this reason that the Roman Catholic is against abortion.

Case Summary

George who is in mid-fifties is beginning to experience symptoms for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Owing to the fact that George is on the verge of experiencing loss of the ability to speak, move, eat, and breathe, it is becoming a huge concern for his well-being. The former athlete does not envision the fact that the disease has no cure and that he will be immobile because of the effects of the ailment. It is for the same reason that he is contemplating the possibility of voluntary euthanasia. There are several principles that will govern George on the decision made about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and his entire life.

Christian Worldview

Fallness of the World

In any event, George practices Christianity; having amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) will be part of the consequences of sinning. The patient in this regard will view the disease as part of the problems originating from the sins of Adam and Eve (Lee, 2019). Consequently, God cursed the human population because of going against the advice of not eating the fruit of the middle tree. Christians think that Adam and Eve were the genesis of all problems that are currently prevalent in the world. In this case, George might be thinking that the primary reason as to why he is suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is his past sins. In this case, George might even contemplate confessing his sins and repenting as a move to reverse the disease, he is having.

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Hope of Resurrection

George, in any event, he is a Christian will embrace the tribulation brought because of the disease. George will not fear facing death because of the ailment. This assertion is because Christians believe that in the end, there will be a resurrection, where all Christians believe they will ascend to heaven. The hope of Christians is on the story of Jesus Christ. The Son of God was on record as suffering when He was still on earth. The tribulation Jesus passed through did not deter His word of the resurrection on the third day. Even though George will not anticipate that, he will resurrect after dying on the third day, as a Christian, he believes that at the end of the world he will rise to be with other righteous individuals. The promise of resurrection by the Bible makes Christians not to be afraid of problems and death.

Value of Life

Christians believe that their bodies are the temple of God. It is undeniable that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) will have a massive effect on the body of George. Christians advocate for the caring of their bodies, as they are the temples of God. To Christians, George still has to value life, as it is precious. Christians think that with proper care of the body, Christians will be living according to God’s wish. Further, still, George will resemble the image of God, even with paralysis. Owing to the above sentiments, there is a high value placed on human life.

Euthanasia and Christianity

George like any other person would consider undertaking Euthanasia as a move to end the problems that accompany amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, most Christian churches are against euthanasia (Duckett, 2017). The primary reasons provided by the churches and clergy are what will determine whether or not George should opt for euthanasia. The first value George must understand is that human bodies are a temple of God. For this reason, George must not destroy the Temple of God.

Christians also believe God gives life. For this reason, a mortal like George has no power to decide if they will continue or dies with their means. Besides, Christians believe that the two most important processes controlled by God are birth and death. In the case of George, the decision to end life will seem as disrespect to God. Christians believe that disrespect to God will bring calamity upon one’s life either on earth or after their death. Finally, Christians believe that no one has the power to end the life on anyone, even if the victim wants to die. The law is applicable in the case of health practitioners in the case of George.

Justification in the case of George

For Christians, the only option available to George is to face the circumstances, which the disease will bring upon him. George must later die, but depending on his deeds while on earth, he will go to heaven.

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In my view, if I were in George’s case, I will opt not to end my life through Euthanasia. This argument is because there would be chances that with care, I might leave a normal life for a considerable period. Besides, even though religion will play a crucial role in deciding, whether I will opt for Euthanasia, I will settle with my value of not killing what I did not create.


Religion and culture are the two most vital factors a health practitioner must consider when handling patients. Religion helps in deciding cases as it is with George.


Duckett, S. (2017). Arguing in the Public Square: Christian Voices Against Assisted Dying in Victoria. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 30(2).

Lee, P. Y. (2019). Joy Unspeakable: Finding Joy in Christ-like Suffering. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Torrance, T. F. (2016). The Christian doctrine of God, one being three persons. Bloomsbury Publishing.

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