By Evans Feb 03 2021
When we think of globalization what first comes to mind is the coming together of people from different parts of the
world. In reality, though, globalization is more than that, it is a force that
integrates all aspects of our lives which means the economic, social, cultural, and political aspects with those of people from other parts of the globe. Since
globalization is such a wide topic there are a lot of areas that are
affected by this phenomenon that students can write about. It is for this reason that I have written a guide on how to write a globalization essay.
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We need to acknowledge that the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century was significant in changing from the sovereignty of a state to globalization through the inventions that have happened all through the last century. When writing a globalization essay you need to choose a sub-topic that you understand well and one that you have a lot of information about it which then increases your chances of writing a great essay. Globalization essay is one that follows the general English formula of writing Essays. If you need help on how to write an essay you should check our essay writing guide.Globalization can be defined as the integration between people, companies, and governments which simply means the interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and people according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics. It is easier to define globalization in relation to something specific like the economy, technology, culture, or even the environment because you can explain how it is related but on its own globalization is a huge factor that has interwoven itself into almost every aspect of our daily lives. Below is a step by step guide on how to write an essay.
Do not panic, hire a professional essay writer today.Are tight deadlines, clashing assignments, and unclear tasks giving you sleepless nights?
This is a critical time because
you get to choose the direction that the essay will take. An example could be if
you choose to write an argumentative essay then it is your duty to persuade and convince readers to understand and see things from your point of view by stating
your reasons for taking that stance and also providing evidence to back your
claims. You could also take the compare and contrast type of essay or better
yet the cause and effect essay which serves to show the relationship
between things which means how the occurrence of something is caused by
something else. Knowing the type of essay you will write about helps you set the
pace for your essay in the introduction.
You can do this by jotting down all the potential topics you can write about and those you feel confident enough to write about. With all this information you do your research and find supporting evidence for each of your topics. Be keen to remember that the more the information the better the essay so it is best if you choose to go with the topic with the most information. After you have gathered all the information you need to organize your ideas so that it's easy to choose a topic with the most points. You can also check out this article to learn more about writing a technology essay.
From your topic of choice, have your thesis statement as a compass direction through your essay start
building up your sentence topics. Make sure they are strong with supporting
examples and strong statistics to back you up.
An example of a globalization essay could be on the: Effects of globalization on third world countries. There are very good benefits of globalization and bad even though we can agree that the good brought about by globalization outweigh any bad effects of globalization. In your outline, you will have points like:
-Free trade in many countries
-Integration of
-Widespread technology
-Increase in the
standards of living
-Access to new markets
-Cooperation between
-Increased terrorism
-Exploitation of developing
nations by superpower nations
-Loss of cultural
-Climate change and
global warming
Make sure to support your
points with strong evidence and examples from sources such as google scholar
and published journals that are accredited. You can also source data from
experienced authors in that field. An example of Globalization is the FIFA World Cup which happens every four years has more viewers than any other sporting
event in the world, Another example of Globalization is found in the banking
industry, whereby advanced technology in the banking sector helps reduce the
risk of theft and fraud. Banks also trade in different types of currencies
enabling someone to trade from any part of the country. These factors then help
cut on the cost of production and lead to fast service delivery. Use
vocabularies that apply to that specific to your area of writing. Avoid speculation and hearsay.
Relationship between globalization and the economy
The stock market and
Availability and access of new
markets brought about by globalization
Effects of globalization on their inner markets
Economic globalization, continuities and discontinuities [in your country]
Exploitation of developing countries by developed countries
Effect of globalization on Jobs
The stock market and
Under this topic, you can discuss how the introduction of new forms of technology requires skilled labour and educated persons. From the research article on Globalization and Economic Growth: Empirical evidence on the role of complementaries,” Their results indicate that economic globalization not only directly promotes growth but also indirectly through complementary reports. However, countries with higher human capital can be better and faster to implement the transferred technologies”
-It is also important to note
how globalization has given countries like the USA unfair advantage over others
to control the world both economically, politically, and socially. Case in point
is the current Covid pandemic, countries like the USA and Britain have already acquired
the vaccines they need for their people and most developing countries especially
those in Africa have to wait for the surplus so they can order vaccines for
their countries.
Globalization and culture,
Loss of cultural boundaries
Desire to abandon own culture
and copy the western culture
Impact of the western culture on the rest of the world
After writing down your points and developing them all through your essay, with detailed and well-explained points, you should end your essay with a conclusion that supports your essay which means it helps you prove your thesis statement.If you need any assistance or you are pressed for time and deadlines we at paper per hour are the guys to save your butt by helping do your assignment at a very affordable price.
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