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Can Schoology detect cheating? Here is the truth

By Evans Nov 30 2021

Online learning has made it crucial for educationists to develop different ways of making learning and test-taking more efficient. Several learning systems have been developed, among them, the famous Schoology. Schoology is a system meant to help students and teachers interact during online learning. Teachers can use Schoology to give out notes, tests, grade them, and even see students’ academic activities. Like every other system, students want to know if Schoology can detect cheating and hacks that can help one cheat using Schoology. If these are the questions running through your mind, worry not. Paper Per Hour has the answers for you.

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Can Schoology detect cheating?

The short answer is yes. Schoology can detect cheating on the tests submitted. There are several ways that a teacher can know if the students cheat using this particular system.

Plagiarism checker

Schoology has an inbuilt plagiarism checker that tests if the answers given by a student are original or copied from another place. This is the surest way that teachers can know if a student has cheated on their test. However here are six ways you can cheat a plagiarism checker and get away with it in Schoology or any other blackboard. 

Monitoring activities on the system

The system allows teachers to check the activities of the students, especially when they are taking a test.


Schoology has a resumable setting that teachers can use to keep track of the students’ movements while taking a test. If a student leaves the exam for one reason or another, they cannot resume the test without going through the teacher. Thus, one should have a good reason for leaving the test if they wish to continue with the exam.

The Respondus lockdown browser

In itself, Schoology can do little to prevent students from cheating in an exam. However, combined with the Respondus lockdown browser, the two can be unstoppable. Many schools choose to use this tool to lock students from visiting any other site while doing their exams. Here is how to cheat with respondus lockdown browser without getting caught.

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How to cheat using Schoology

Schoology’s main aim is not to detect cheating. It is a system developed to help teachers and students interact in an academic capacity. That means that in some way, there are so many ways that students can cheat using Schoology.

Distorting webcam

Teachers usually rely on the webcam to see students’ movements while doing an exam. One can distort the webcam on their machine to make it appear blurry. Thus, the teacher would have a hard time seeing what you are up to.

Using another screen

One can choose to use another screen since Schoology can detect when you switchtabs


Never doubt the power of screenshots. At least not on their ability to make or destroy relationships and definitely on their ability to save you during an exam. Students can easily use screenshots taken by those who previously took the exam. They can also use screenshots of past papers and refer to them if such a question comes up.

Screen mirroring/sharing

Screen mirroring works if the teacher has not installed the Respondus lockdown browser. With screen mirroring, you can easily share your screen with others while still keeping it away from the teacher.

Something to note

Educationists are still looking for ways to improve online exams. This means that some of these hacks might not really work for you if your teacher has found a way to go around them. Thus, the best hack of all time is to study for your exam beforehand, as this will help you even if other hacks fail. Alternatively, you can always get the help of professionals.

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Hire someone else to do your tests and assignments on your Schoology

Teachers swear by Schoology when it comes to efficiency. It is easy for them to have all the students’ exams and assignments in one place. It is also easy for them to make comments and even grade the tests. However, there is something that Schoology cannot do for students. Schoology cannot help you with your assignments. But guess who can? Yes, you guessed right. Paper per hour can help!

Since time immemorial, students have been burdened with loads of assignments, a burden that they wish they could be relieved of. Paper per hour has a team of writers whose skills are unmatched by no other. These writers know every technique teachers use on Schoology and how to bypass it and make sure that you get the top grade on your assignments and exams.

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It is a difficult job to keep track of all the new hacks coming up. Exams are hard enough without the fear of getting caught if the exam becomes too difficult for you. Lucky for you, you do not have to worry about these two factors. Let us help you out.

Our professional writers have gone through different systems that have been introduced in the education sector. They know how the systems work and how to bypass their security if need be. Thus, if you are having a problem with your Schoology account, our writers can help you out. The lockdown browser can sometimes keep crashing, making it impossible for you to complete an exam. Paper per hour can help you avoid these inconveniences.

Online learning is not a walk in the park. At times, students get twice as tired as they usually would during face-to-face learning. It does not help that assignments have not been reduced. If anything, they have only become much more difficult. This is why we are here to help you. Other than understanding the learning management systems, our writers are known to produce quality work. Every paper is handled with care and professionalism to ensure that your professor cannot help but give you that top grade. Our services are also pretty affordable, ensuring that you do not go bankrupt when seeking online writing help.

Schoology can make online learning a bit more efficient. However, it does not help you with your assignments. It does not even make it easy for you to take a test. You know what does? Paper Per Hour! We have writers on standby, ready to take this burden off your shoulders. Let us help you ace online learning.


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